'Fire in Forgotten'
by Hope Kelley
"Brilliant novel! Gripping from beginning to end!" Miles Merritt, Writer and Filmmaker
"Riveting story! You are hooked immediately!" Edward J. Ferris, Author
"Hope Kelley is a magnificent and brilliant writer!" Lupita Almaraz Aguilar, Author and Poet
Fire in Forgotten is a western novel spanning decades, with the story beginning in 1928. This is the tale of two men, Henry Champion and George Baker, who feud their entire lives over a tragic incident they witnessed as young boys. In the late 1800's, and well into the 20th century, many farmers and ranchers in Texas lost their homes and land to the powerful land owner. Families were threatened, burned from their homes, and in some instances, killed for the small piece of land they owned. Generations of families were lost along with their lands and heritage.
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